Power Transmission
Power Transmission Chain of the belt conveyor for Mining Industry
■Performance / Quality Required.
- Exceeding wea-elongation is often occurred by used environment with lots of dust and sands.
- Reduce the number and time of replacement.
■Expected Advantages
- By the seals keep dust and sands out from pin & bushing of the chain. Compared with standard type, enable to reduce the time for replacement.
Steel Mill(Blast Furnace・Electric Furnace)Power Transmission for Steel Tube Cooling Bed Conveyor Pipe.
■Performance / Quality Required
- Heat Resistance Specification in High-Temperature use environment.
- Bad Drive-Efficiency due to elongated-chains keep on using and running continuously.
- Reduce the running noise of the chain.
■Expected Advantages
Maintain good condition of drive-efficiency much longer by preventing from dry frictional heat.
Additionally, it enables to decrease creaking running-noise caused by the lack of lubricant or wear-eleongation.
This also effects to maintain good work-environment.
Steel Mill(Blast Furnace・Electric Furnace)Power Transmission for Steel Tube Cooling Bed Conveyor Pipe.(OPTION)SPLIT Type Sprocket
■Performance / Quality Required
- Reduce labor-hours to remove every component parts to replace one sprocket.
■Expected Advantages
- This sprocket can split 2 component half-half. So, only the exact sprocket can be replaced and reduce labor-hours.